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A magical spice & herb blend to manifest success & abundance.


Sprinkle Money Spell Powder across doorways to bring in abundance, use in money spells or bowls, mix with essential oils to consecrate your ritual tools , as  an altar offering or carry it with you to bring luck and abundance wherever you go!


Sea Salt- Prosperity & Protection
Cinnamon- Luck, Prosperity, Success/Victory
Clove- Wealth & Prosperity magnet
Allspice- Money, Prosperity, Good Luck
Nutmeg- Luck & Money
Peppermint- Success, Prosperity & Upward Mobility
Basil- Luck, Prosperity, Abundance, Success, Money
Ginger Root- Brings speed to manifesting money spells
Poppy Seed- Attracts Luck & Money
Orange Peel- Good Fortune, Increase Prosperity



Check out my Instagram to see videos of the simmer pots!

Money Spell Powder; Success & Abundance; Spice Herb BlendA magical spice & herb

SKU: 51635596